WISER Lawns & Landscaping

WISER Lawns & Landscaping for New Residents
The Wiser Lawns and Landscaping for New Residents Class is a FREE class provided for residents of The Villages® Community. The class emphasizes basic irrigation maintenance, fertilization, pest control and other landscape practices.
The workshop includes:
Operating and Programming your Irrigation Controller
Irrigation Maintenance
Sprays and Rotors
Cleaning Filters
Inspection Checklist
Rain Sensors
How they work
How often to check them
How to inspect them
Instruction Steps for Calibrating your Irrigation System
Principles of Florida Friendly Landscaping
Selecting the right plant and the right place
Florida Friendly Plants
Pest Control
The workshop is typically held on the third Tuesday of the month from 9 – 11 AM at Colony Cottage and 1 - 3pm at Rohan Regional Recreation Center. For information on this workshop, please call 352-569-6862.
The class is a service of :